The advertising on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that draws my attention are the ones with good images, well put together font, not too crowded, and nice color schemes. Also, if they don’t advertise too much. Most of them use images, but it’s minimalistic. The ads that are annoying are the ones with lots of text, too small or too flowery font, or lots of bold, bright fonts. It’s also annoying when you see the same one over and over.
I think the impact of traditional advertising is more on the older generation who aren’t on social media or online alot at all. It depends on the demographic of your potential customer which method would be more effective. So many people are on social media these days that I think over all, that is the most effective way to advertise. Also because you can target specific groups of people and advertise to a group of people more likely to be interested in your product or service, it seems like a better way than just putting an add in print and hoping the right person will see it.